An acquaintance of mine, a small time housebreaker called Halyard, was approached by a nervous character who turned out to be a high-ranking wizard at the Academy of the Trefoil Serpent, a secretiv...
When passing through the small town of Brouften, the locals mentioned that the Town Council have been having issues with one of the local nobels. One Lord Drafferi, who has been interrupting Town C...
The Hammerite Imperium was once a great center of learning, arts and culture. It also ruled the continent with an iron fist, bringing all nations under its dominion with conquest, plunder and slave...
An abandoned manor, long since fallen into disrepair, and once the home of a wealthy Hammer.
Locals claim that the manor is haunted, and that no sane man would go there.
Haunted? Can't be worse...
Basso's been making ends meet with a stevedore job down at the Docks, and he just came to me with a tip-off. The Lady Lucy, a merchant schooner belonging to Captain Morag, recently came into port....
The main reason for your presence in Tolham tonight is to locate and steal the power stones. There are three of them: Sintabaz's Red, Voidman's Amber, and Tharmaz's Azure. Further study of historic...
Thief 1 Fan Mission: A Thief's Training, Part 1 [Expert] [English]
Master of Dromed
| yesterday
A Thief's Training
Master of Dromed is playing the first part of the Thief Gold fan mission A Thief's Training by the author Snake.
Thief 1 Fan Mission: The Scholar's Hand, Part 2 [Expert] [English]
Master of Dromed
| Nov. 29, 2024
The Scholar's Hand
Master of Dromed is playing the second part of the Thief Gold fan mission The Scholar's Hand by the author nicked (Nick Dablin).
Thief 1 Fan Mission: The Scholar's Hand, Part 1 [Expert] [English]
Master of Dromed
| Nov. 29, 2024
The Scholar's Hand
Master of Dromed is playing the first part of the Thief Gold fan mission The Scholar's Hand by the author nicked (Nick Dablin).
Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Patriot, Mission 6: Pathfinder
| Nov. 27, 2024
Fan mission campaign for Thief 2 by Zontik from 2019. This is a successful Supreme Ghost run of mission 6, Pathfinder. In my opinion, this is a huge step down from the first five entries in this campaign. I hope you still enjoy the video and look forward to the rest of the series.
The next Thief mission will be Patriot, Mission 7: Heretic by Zontik. The next Dark Mod mission will be Seeking Lady Leicester by Grayman.
[Klatremus] Let's Supreme Ghost Thief - Patriot, Mission 5: Saboteur
| Nov. 27, 2024
Fan mission campaign for Thief 2 by Zontik from 2019. This is a failed Ghost run of mission 5, Saboteur. We take two Ghost busts and a few more for Supreme. All in all this is a very solid mission, despite no loot. Really enjoying this campaign!
The next Thief mission will be Patriot, Mission 6: Pathfinder by Zontik.
Thief 1 Fan Mission: Rogues' Lair [Expert] [English]
Master of Dromed
| Nov. 27, 2024
Rogues' Lair
Master of Dromed is playing the Thief Gold fan mission Rogues' Lair by the author Vegetables.
WungusDasPungus VODs - Thief FM - The Deceptive Sceptre
| Nov. 25, 2024
The Deceptive Sceptre
WungusDasPungus playing through The Deceptive Sceptre, recorded/broadcast on both December 12th, 2023 and March 8th, 2024.
This is part of an ongoing series playing through every Thief FM in chronological order. You can track the progress of all the missions played so far here: