Normally I wouldn't be running a job from the Keepers without more information, but they've offered to pay well for this one. They're sending me on a ship to Perditas, a small island to the south, ...
I've received an anonymous letter with an offer for a simple job. Travel to a small town up north and steal a gem from a manor of some pompous merchant. Normally, I wouldn't take up a job without k...
When Cavador started spilling his guts, he didn't know when to shut up. At least, according to the Pagan who contacted me last night to thank me for the whole Soulforge debacle. It's been two month...
An acquaintance of mine, a small time housebreaker called Halyard, was approached by a nervous character who turned out to be a high-ranking wizard at the Academy of the Trefoil Serpent, a secretiv...
The Hammerite Imperium was once a great center of learning, arts and culture. It also ruled the continent with an iron fist, bringing all nations under its dominion with conquest, plunder and slave...
An abandoned manor, long since fallen into disrepair, and once the home of a wealthy Hammer.
Locals claim that the manor is haunted, and that no sane man would go there.
Haunted? Can't be worse...
Basso's been making ends meet with a stevedore job down at the Docks, and he just came to me with a tip-off. The Lady Lucy, a merchant schooner belonging to Captain Morag, recently came into port....
After the Great Schism in the year 64, a group of hammerites left The City and the order and begun to live underground a life as hermits. They founded there The Order of Hermits of Saint Graimal. T...
Two years have passed since the fall of the Mechanist order and Karras's death in Soulforge Cathedral. The Hammerites have reclaimed the cathedral and restored its former state, turning it into a p...
I was hired to find the Codex of the Abyss. According to legend, the Codex is an ancient book of dark magic bound in man-skin leather. Sounds charming. Its last known location was the Valley of Sar...
Cleaning up after the Mechanists has proven useful for both my peace of mind and my wallet. This brings me to the town of Rockpool, some way around the coast. They had some recent... issues with th...
You're a loner in The City that goes rough on anyone without strong bonds. Your last hope is to join people that live in the woods, since you're not welcome in ranks of City Watch or The Order of T...
A job offer from a prospective client brings you to High Towne tonight. A lucrative area, in addition to the generous payout this job represents. You are to meet at the Mercantile Assurance, #212, ...