Outdoor/Forest Rain Ruins Temples Thieves/Thieves Guild Tower Village Water
Being an independent thief in this city has always had its associated risks, but I've always managed to stay one step ahead of my rivals. That is, until I went to visit my fence after robbing Lord ... Read more
nicked (Nick Dablin)
Being an independent thief in this city has always had its associated risks, but I've always managed to stay one step ahead of my rivals. That is, until I went to visit my fence after robbing Lord Torridge of his valuable gold chalice. The look on his face should have told me something was wrong, but before I could react, three heavies unfolded from the shadows and jumped me.
When I came to, cold rain was spattering my face. Tied up and thrown into a handcart, I was being taken outside the city, into the woods. I could hear two of the thugs chatting away. One of them was worried that their third companion would get all the glory for running the chalice back to their boss, but the other reassured him that bringing "the famous Garrett" in alive would be worth even more.
While they talked, I pretended to be unconscious, and managed to loosen the bonds around my wrists and ankles. The rain grew heavier; the canopy overhead grew thicker. We were deep in the woods when the thugs said they were almost back to their hideout. It was now or never. Throwing off the ropes, I leapt off the cart and darted into the trees. I could hear my captors shouting in futile rage behind me, but I managed to get away. Now I'm unarmed and alone in hostile territory, but I still have my wits about me.
Whoever did this is about to learn a valuable lesson - crossing Garrett is a bad idea...
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