This campaign is the continued adventures of Reuben, as a sequel to the Thief's Rising games, set shortly after the end of Thief's Rising 2. It is a single mission that is loosely based on the game...
Cutty must be feeling generous, or guilty, as he threw me a bone in lieu of any actual work. It seems Sigurd and Radbod, two of the Downwinders’ best, have recently gone rogue. Word on the street i...
In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
I was hired to find the Codex of the Abyss. According to legend, the Codex is an ancient book of dark magic bound in man-skin leather. Sounds charming. Its last known location was the Valley of Sar...
This campaign is the sequel to Thief's Rising, continuing the story of Reuben's rise to master thievery. Set approximately one month after the end of the last game, beginning at his new found home,...
A professional acquaintance of mine, Argaux, got in touch with an offer
of a job in Newbridge. He won't give me any details--maybe he's afraid
I'll do it on the sly and he'll lose out on ...
A wealthy lord by the name of Robert has recently come into possession of a valuable Painting and has it on display in his manor. The manor is heavily guarded so sneaking in will be tough. I'll hav...
I was on my way to Byron, the new fence in Southquarter, when I noticed that I was being followed by someone who appeared to be well-trained in the arts of stealth and deception. This guy has eithe...
The Keepers need your help again. A little girl called Elise is missing. Accompanied by a Keeper, she was on her way to them. A ship is waiting for you at the port, it brings you to Claire's Harbou...
The Keepers want me to visit Konigsforst, a remote yet wealthy town. It seems that they are afraid something happened down there, but sometimes I just don't have the energy to laugh at their parano...
A successful night is drawing to an end, again Garrett hustled some money from a rich merchant.
Time to have a drink, isn't it?
Seems the beer was too strong - when Garrett wakes up again, there ...
I found some interesting info while raiding Monsegur's palace in Stonemarket.
His ledger seemed to indicate the location of a very curious trinket stashed
somewhere in a place called the Dark Hol...
I'm having difficulty pawning off the Horn of Quintus, and if I don't get a buyer soon, I'll be forced into the streets. That's an option I refuse to take. Seems what's selling lately is gold and g...
The Keepers want me to visit Konigsforst, a remote yet wealthy town. It seems that they are
afraid something happened down there, but sometimes I just don't have the energy to laugh at
their pa...
It’s been several months since I destroyed Gamall, and life’s been pretty good – I’ve finally been able to semi-retire to a decent apartment in a nicer part of the City. Those tumultuous events app...
"There was a time when thieves and murderers strived as darkness ruled;
The heathens slept, dreaming their heretical way of life would last forever.
But then came the Master Builder, and with Him...
My old Keeper friend Xavier has been holding my money from the Ramirez job I pulled last night. He lives near Old quarter and I am going there tonight to get my money from him.