After the Great Schism in the year 64, a group of hammerites left The City and the order and begun to live underground a life as hermits. They founded there The Order of Hermits of Saint Graimal. T...
In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
I was hired to find the Codex of the Abyss. According to legend, the Codex is an ancient book of dark magic bound in man-skin leather. Sounds charming. Its last known location was the Valley of Sar...
Today I am going to break into the estate of Lady Milhorn. Since the death of her husband, she is said to behave somehow... well, excentrically. The break-in will be certainly profitable, since the...
The other night, you met up with an associate at the Loon Lagoon for some drinks and a good time. As the hours ticked by and the mugs were emptied repeatedly, the topic of conversation eventually c...
I was contacted by an old associate regarding a potentially lucrative job. He claims to have the drop
on the location of the entrance to a long-lost Dielyan temple. The Diel-Ya people were a ancie...
Scorpio has been given a task by his friend Dimitrios Panos. Dimitrios wants him to go to the old city, located deep beneath the ground.
There, Scorpio is to find ingredients that can cure the dis...
The Trickster is dead, and I can now return to my usual life of thievery. Yesterday, my landlord reminded me that the rent is due, further hinting that the world-saving adventures are finally over....
You screwed up this time. It was supposed to be a simple hammerite chapel burglary
just out of the city, but the terrible scream of a hammerite that caught
you as you pierced a sword through his...
I was on my way to Byron, the new fence in Southquarter, when I noticed that I was being followed by someone who appeared to be well-trained in the arts of stealth and deception. This guy has eithe...
I had recieved a rather strange offer today. The Mechanists report to me that
their mysterious KD site was ransacked by a group of mages and warriors known as the "Ante Mechanists". They command s...
The Hammers are after an item called The Builder’s Rattle. It’s an ancient icon that was stolen by one of their own priests.
Thieving from a thief is always irresistible. No doubt this pries...
It has been a long time since I heard about mystical objects and great treasures. I am getting tired of robbing the same banks and cities over and over. Besides, those "magical" objects are incredi...
A hundred miles east of The City, on the coast atop high cliffs, lies an ancient tomb which is one of the last remaining vestiges of the Ruthymian culture which occupied these lands centuries ago. ...
I'm having difficulty pawning off the Horn of Quintus, and if I don't get a buyer soon, I'll be forced into the streets. That's an option I refuse to take. Seems what's selling lately is gold and g...