In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
Nestled between Auldale and Dayport lies the Silversmoke district. Aptly named for its curious mixture of nobility and industry, Silversmoke rests in the shadow of St. Ives, a towering Hammerite ca...
-Viktoria's plan required too much luck;
Garrett was obviously unable to stop Karras with it.
Afterwards, he scoured many Mechanist churches for information,
and learned of a tunnel Karras had b...
The Trickster is dead, and I can now return to my usual life of thievery. Yesterday, my landlord reminded me that the rent is due, further hinting that the world-saving adventures are finally over....
Seems like the business has hit a low point again. I haven’t had many jobs lately, and only a few of them ended up being lucrative. Naturally, I’d take any chance to earn some quick cash these days...