Events take place after Thief2.
First in-mission briefing:
With the Trickster rotting
in his shallow grave
His blood lives yet contained
within fleshy woe
Greed lead sorrow...
Well it has been a hard journey. You have dealt with Hammerites, Undead, and Undead Hammeritess. But now Ramirez gets what is coming to him. You've landing in a dock. This section of town isn't vis...
A friend of you, who once kept you hidden from a horde of guards, and thus saved your life, is asking for a favour. He wants to meet you in a pub in Utrecht, a normally quiet and peacefull city. So...
Hindered by financial troubles Garrett has chosen to take up larceny once again.
During one of his recent robberies, fate made it that Garrett met an older, yet less skillful thief named Dupont ...
Since the mechanists catastrophe at Soulforce, the mechanists seem to have a last stand to recapture the city
and maybe the rest of the world too.
You've onl...
" You are returning to the town of Estheridge to track down an old friend. The town itself is under the direct control of The Sisterhood of Azura. There is more going on than they would have you be...
The High Towne Council is meeting this week to work on the "poverty problem" plaguing this fair city. Lord Gheldorf is having a little shindig at his Townhouse to sway more votes from his constitue...
The rent is due in two days and I've already been late twice, so I don't want to deal with my "landlord" if I'm late again. I also somehow lost my sword, God knows how that happened, but I've mana...
Calendra's Legacy begins immediately after the Cistern ends...the very same night as a matter of fact.
Garrett is restless. He stirs in his sleep. The Cylix of Jortul gleams in the gush of pre...
The main goal is to revenge your nephew Carlito and to try to find the horn of Quintus. Sergeant Chase is responsible for Carlito's death. In his previous job he was in charge of the prison of Ping...
One day you receive a letter from your old friend Lacatar, who you worked for
a long time ago. He's a Grand Master of the Academy of Wizards so he is a rich
man... In the letter he speaks about ...
"That Franky the Squealer, wonder how he got that name. You're being held at Sherriff Forte's residence, once a stately home, now a stinking prison for all the Thieves he's robbed. The notorious Ha...
You've been with the Keepers for a couple years now, and you've complete a few novice missions satisfactory to the Keeper high council. It's time they gave you a job a bit more challenging, and no...
A friend of yours told you about an old house in Greenville, that has been unoccupied for 50 years.
He says the man who used to live there was pretty wealthy, so you should be satisfied with what ...