So, this mission is another of the mansion-city mix ones that seem to have gained popularity in the last years.
Your main objective is the classic mansion heist, but there are also some other things to do(depending on the difficulty). The mansion itself is nicely designed, nothing too innovative but that´s ok.
You also can gain access via different ways which is a nice touch. Either the direct way or trying to climb in at some points. You can also open nearly every window which is rather uncommon and a welcome change. Just watch that you don´t fall doooooown *yowl crack* whoops, reload.
If you don´t want to search every nook and cranny, I really recommend to just play on Normal. Even Expert can be hard with the loot goal. Didn´t even try Maestro - well, there are some(not much fortunately) helmet guards anyway...
Sound-wise I wished for a bit less usage of the Thief 1 "saved the world theme" outside, and sometimes the music seems to be a bit too much also inside. Maybe use some of the more silent sound pieces.
As for the horror/slum part, that differs much from the vanilla style. It´s nice to see the author Dale_ back in business. After his awesome "Coaxing the Spirit" mission which seemed to be a one-hit-wonder back in 2016 I hope he makes more stuff for Thief again.
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