Normally I wouldn't be running a job from the Keepers without more information, but they've offered to pay well for this one. They're sending me on a ship to Perditas, a small island to the south, ...
I've received an anonymous letter with an offer for a simple job. Travel to a small town up north and steal a gem from a manor of some pompous merchant. Normally, I wouldn't take up a job without k...
I've been hired to steal a large sapphire known as Winter's Heart. The gem is in the possession of one Lord Morrison who currently resides in a country estate outside the city. I've also received a...
Last night, while I was drinking down my usual ale, something interesting came my way: Wexler, a too-rich-for-his-own-good art dealer, got hit by a heist. Word is, a band of thieves swiped a large ...
When passing through the small town of Brouften, the locals mentioned that the Town Council have been having issues with one of the local nobels. One Lord Drafferi, who has been interrupting Town C...
An abandoned manor, long since fallen into disrepair, and once the home of a wealthy Hammer.
Locals claim that the manor is haunted, and that no sane man would go there.
Haunted? Can't be worse...
Basso's been making ends meet with a stevedore job down at the Docks, and he just came to me with a tip-off. The Lady Lucy, a merchant schooner belonging to Captain Morag, recently came into port....
The main reason for your presence in Tolham tonight is to locate and steal the power stones. There are three of them: Sintabaz's Red, Voidman's Amber, and Tharmaz's Azure. Further study of historic...
Tonight I'm going to pay Lord Rosewell and his vase collection a visit. Lord Rosewell has been bragging a bit too loudly about his purchase of an ornate jeweled vase. I've bribed a servant to leave...
An adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's short story of the same name. This is a short, 30-45 minute mission in which you are the getaway driver in a team of three small-time thieves. You and your associa...
Me dear friend, I need a big favor of you.
The cook who owns The Limp Inn Boar, Tasteless Bert, somehow found a way to turn his taff-awful cooking into something no one can resist. I'm losing pa...
In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
My sister has cased Lord Elsevier's island mansion on the river Tyne - there is a good amount of loot to be had. I'm to pick her up by rowboat and leave with the bounty. As often is the case, thing...