This campaign is the continued adventures of Reuben, as a sequel to the Thief's Rising games, set shortly after the end of Thief's Rising 2. It is a single mission that is loosely based on the game...
My friend Basso gave me information that the hobbit Bilbo Baggins lives in a hole under the Hill.
Rumor has it that he has a huge pile of all sorts of good, which he brought with him after he disa...
This campaign is the sequel to Thief's Rising, continuing the story of Reuben's rise to master thievery. Set approximately one month after the end of the last game, beginning at his new found home,...
Today I explored the hotel's library and found a diary of the hotel's previous owner - Titmar. From his diary, I learned that the hotel's south wing was abandoned more than 30 years ago because of ...
Ran Robey runs a profitable rug store. His wife owns a necklace with a rare medallion in it. She is already a beauty, so she doesn't really need that medallion. I on the other hand need it to impre...
Garrett stole lots of loot over the winter but doesn't find an independent fence. This is why he tries to find a certain Cutty, although no one knows where this guy lives.
The Keeper's Training... It would be so nice to return to where everything began. This is the original map by LGS converted to Thief 3, with some modifications, HD textures, and something else!
Ah, the keepers and their prophecies! Everyone knows that the island is closed and inaccessible. Nonetheless, I went to the Inn, and inquired about it before I left, as it would be crazy to take a ...
In this campaign you play a new character I chose to call Reuben for no specific reason. Set shortly after the demise of the Hag, in a new city on an island far off the shore of the Audale Docks, w...
Liton's patience is over so I'm on the streets again. I can manage it but someone robbed my attic! There is only one man who can pick my locks. It's Simon. This night I'll have to pay a visit to hi...
An ancient legend says that a long time ago, a powerful king went into battle to defend his people, who were oppressed by warriors who came from the opposite side of the lake. Unfortunately, he was...
This evening I came to see that my dear friend, Elijana, was very concerned about her brother Jack, who has been missing for several days. Jack's a butcher and a baker in the nearby village. Elijan...
An old acquaintance of mine has been given a job by a certain distinguished and rich bibliophile. It's about an oriental treatise on alchemy - Ihq rqulm nf ihq bltod - that's supposed to be in the ...
Dunver gave me the list of moneybags from North Quarter yesterday as promised and informed me that some mysterious murders are happening in the Old Quarter. All suspicions are on Lord Cooper, but h...
The Overwarden and Councilor Mercier have been abusing their power in the Baron's absence. They've tipped the balance, and by attacking the Keepers have threatened the only ones who can maintain it...