I was approached by a man named Havelock, who claimed to represent an eccentric "key collector", who wishes to remain anonymous. Apparently, this unknown noble prides himself in his collection of r...
It was on a stormy night nearly a month ago, as I was nursing a pint of ale near the roaring hearth of the The Traveller's Inn, that the stranger first approached me. I had not noticed him sitting ...
I had lived in that house for all of my life. It had been in my family for generations, and I was very happy there. When Lord Tralsius told me that he wished to buy my home, I made it clear to him...
This is a short example mission demonstrating various gizmos and technical effects, including:
Gambling on frog races
Diggable graves
A portable, narrow-beamed "Theives' Lantern"
A portal
A s...