City Watch Jail/Prison Non-Garrett Player Rescue
A few years ago Garrett broke me out of Cragscleft Prison, A couple years after that he helped me break Jenivere out of a rich noble's manor. Tonight Garrett is the one in need of a rescue. A job... Read more
Ottoj55 (Jason Otto)
A few years ago Garrett broke me out of Cragscleft Prison, A couple years after that he helped me break Jenivere out of a rich noble's manor. Tonight Garrett is the one in need of a rescue. A job he was on didn't go to well and now the City Watch has him locked up. An average housebreaker would get a long stay in their dungeons for this, if they figure out that this is Garrett they'll execute him for sure. I've been here once before, but only saw the Holding Cells, so I'm not sure where the dungeon entrance in located. I got a map of the City Watch Station from a contact of mine who works in the City planning office, but the dungeon isn't shown on it either. I hope Jenivere will understand if I don't make it out, but Garrett needs my help. Breaking into a City Watch station is not my idea of a good time, but I owe Garrett big time.
This mission is set sometime between the events of Thief 2: The Metal Age and Thief: Deadly Shadows. The Mechanist order is gone, many of the Mechanist's have returned to the Hammerite Order or fled. The Mechanist technology is in disrepair without the aid of the brothers. Spare parts for Mechanist machines are bringing a nice price in Black Alley.
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