This is a death match. You have no hope of surviving. Delete this mission before you get in over you head. You'll NEVER make it!
You've been tossed into a death match arena because you keep p...
You've broken into the law offices of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe in order
to discover the location of Lord Bafford's new summer residence. Now that
you have it, it's time to pay the place a visit. I...
You're bored. Kill 2 guards, one in the start rooom and one by the fountain behind the "Ring of Vlad" gate, and then find & steal 2000 loot, plus a few more things you may find along the way, liste...
These events occur after the events in Thief: Deadly Shadows.
Things have been going pretty well this last year. It's been a little dull to tell the truth...but that's just fine by me. I still ...
This is not a serious mission. The point is to fight guards. It's gonna be hard. It's supposed to be hard!
Use your head. Once you start the fight there's really no stopping BE READY T...
My "relationship" with Lord Bafford has always been tenuous at best. Ever since that fateful night so long ago it's ALWAYS been a pleasure of relieve him of his baubles and leave him scratching his...
What has happened? The Tunnel is broken in the middle of the way. In its one part, the tunnel leads on the ground. Garret has to walk thought and find the other entrance into the tunnel and, finall...
You are Gilbert, an endentured servant. Your Master, Lord Rothburg has been cruel and most unkind. Though your home and surroundings are comfortable
you have no freedom to call your own...but on...
Well our favorite anti-hero has been double crossed once more.
(You'd have thought folks would have learned better by now!)
Time to exact a little revenge.
I have a simple job planed for this evening. Where have I said THAT before!? The last name is the same but this time it's a nephew. Jason explorer of sorts. He's just returned from ...