Shadows of Northdale ACT I By Goldwell Author note Shadows of Northdale is a new campaign taking place in the city of Northdale, it is located up the northern part of the empire in the mountains. Across the campaign the player will traverse through the varying districts of the city, each mission featuring it's own unique location. For the first mission this is to introduce the player to the city hub area which is a small section where players can visit their fence to buy gear, pickup contracts which pay for extra tasks that aren't listed by objectives or to loot any shops and stores that may be open. During the first night there are a couple of places to explore however this will expand and upon up further as you progress through the campaign. This mission features some aspects which are different to the usual dark mod FM experience which are: - Food is an item that is picked up and stored in your inventory, pressing the use key with the food item highlighted will cause the player to eat some food and health 5hp - There is an ingame fence where you can purchase gear using any loot you may have found during the mission, you can visit him as many times as you wish but do be mindful of loot goals if there are any - Also inside the fence's shop are contracts, these are readables which detail tasks that a client wishes for you to complete. Upon completing them you will be rewarded with the designated sum - Because you are not a wanted criminal (yet) the citywatch will only attack you if they catch you breaking the law. If they see you trespassing, lockpicking, carrying a body, walking around with your weapons drawn or catch you near the scene of a crime they will attack on site - Candles are pinchable in this mission, frobbing them causes Corbin to pinch them to put them out rather than pick them up The mission was designed and tested on 2.05, if you are playing on any other version there may be bugs present. If you enjoyed the mission please feel free to leave a review, I enjoy reading them and it gives me inspiration to continue mapping. Tell me what you felt worked and what you felt could be improved for next time. Have fun taffers! - Goldwell. Voice actors AndrosTheOxen, Goldwell, SlyFoxx Alpha testers Epifire, Random_Taffer, Skacky & SquadaFroinx Beta testers Crowind, Kingsal, Random_Taffer, Skacky, SquadaFroinx And a very special thank you to the following people without whom the mission would not exist: Epifire for creating some amazing detailed custom models that help bring a unique layer that wouldn't be possible without it. Seriously go check out his modeling page! Dude is very talented Grayman for helping to debug a lot of critical bugs in the mission, without him there would be mission Kingsal and Skacky for helping out with excellent tips on level design, flow and lighting Moonbo for lending his writing talents to help optimize the briefing video script Obsttorte for making the majority of the scripts featured in this mission, and for dealing with my constant nagging about issues and bugs, you are awesome! SlyFoxx for lending his vocal talents and making the fence character come to life and sound great SquadaFroinx for providing thorough beta reports (that are equally hilarious as they are useful) And finally a huge thank you to Tannar for drawing the fantastic looking ingame map ******** *Assets* ******** Epifire Freesound Kingsal MalachiAD Tannar Stats 157 bugs fixed / changes made during the testing phase 4 iterations tested 6 amount of total testers This mission has Brushes: 11,628 Patches: 3210 Entities: 4319